Joy. Pure JOY.

Joy. Pure JOY.

Let the sunrise of your love end our dark night. Break through our clouded dawn again! Only you can satisfy our hearts, filling us with songs of joy to the end of our days. We’ve been overwhelmed with grief; come now and overwhelm us with gladness. Replace our years of trouble with decades of delight. Let us see your miracles again, and let the rising generation see the glorious wonders you’re famous for. O Lord our God, let your sweet beauty rest upon us and give us favor. Come work with us, and then our works will endure, and give us success in all we do. Psalms 90:14‭-‬17 TPT

Only God, only God can satisfy our hearts! He fills us with a joyful song to sustain us. I can recall many times I have felt overwhelmed and sad throughout my life, when someone doesn’t live up to your expectations or choosing something that wasn’t God’s perfect will for you that leads to an outcome of hurt. Maybe you have had a diagnosis you never expected,  a death of a loved one, a job loss, you fill in the blank of your hurt or sadness. I even see this Nation so divided and all the anger and hurt amongst everyone that I grieve and cry out to God on their behalf. So many are being deceived, so many are forgetting Jesus’s one and only commandment “to love eachother as He loves us”, we are to speak and act in love. I know it’s hard at times I’m not saying we are perfect but we have to really try to love one another its vital! So God in His splendor and amazement leads me to Psalm 90 to remind me of the joy we have when we choose to tap into it, that Joy is Jesus, Holy Spirit and God Himself. JOY is everlasting where as happiness is temporary. Joy is a feeling of contentment and confidence. Happiness can be a blurred emotion where as Joy is a conscious commitment to be happy. We cannot find joy in status, clothes, money, people, any and all earthly tangible things or experiences but rather only in Jesus. Everything He does has a purpose and we too have a purpose and a choice to be joyful in it all or grumble and complain. All the pain has a purpose and we have to stand on His truth and in His Joy. When we rest at His feet He comforts us and gives us renewed strength and favor, He hears us and our cry. I feel we are entering into a time that we have never seen before, a time of God’s splendor and miracles like no other, that all the world will see. God uses what was meant for our harm for our good, so take delight that in those “valley seasons” that He is working something good for you on that “mountain top”. So praise Him in the valleys and stand on faith and His word that He is preparing a way for you in the wilderness. Find Joy and praise Him for who He is!  He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He still sits on the throne and is glorious and worthy of ALL praise.

This scripture also points out the fact that when we invite Holy Spirit to come work with us then we will endure and succeed. Now success isn’t about titles or accomplishments but rather succeeding in our walk with God. Success is accomplishing God’s will. He wants us to co-labor with Him. When we “seek God first and live righteously, He will give us all we need” (Matthew 6:33). He will give us all we need! Does the “all we need” sometimes get caught up the “all we want”? Now I will say God does want to give us the desires of our hearts and He will, when our hearts are right with Him. When our motives behind it are pure and to glorify Him. 

This Psalm is a great prayer to pray when feeling overwhelmed, grieved, sad…anything that is not a feeling of joy and contentment. Let a joyful song come out of your heart. No matter what you are going through or the circumstances you are facing, Jesus is still King and God is still God who still sits on the throne! Press into Him, lay on His chest and at His feet. One day soon we will all see the end to evil and sit in heaven at the table He has prepared for us. So until then choose Joy and stand strong in your faith, do not waiver, endure the process, God is holding you in the palm of His hand. Have faith, hope, love, contentment and gratitude…five pillars of Joy!