Eat Your Sunscreen, it’s good for you!

Eat Your Sunscreen, it’s good for you!


Hold the phone, you mean to say I should be eating my sunscreen? Why yes, yes I am! WAIT, STOP! Let me explain; please don’t go open your Tropic Tan and start chugging it. I actually want to take a moment and discuss the dangers of sunscreen, the importance of the sun and the best ways to protect against sunburns.


For years we have heard the sun causes cancer and all these other things. Well I started thinking, how could something so magnificent created by God (Genesis 1:3) be meant to harm us? The truth is it’s not. God created our sun to supply us with not only light but for Vitamin D, which is very important to our bodies. I LOVE Vitamin D aka the Sun! I am in the sun as much as possible, it just makes me feel good, happy, warm, and energized.


UVA rays are what actually cause cancer, and 95% of all sunscreens don’t filter UVA!! However, UVB is what allows our bodies to make Vitamin D, and ironically, the over-the-counter sunscreens do filter UVB. So, wearing any sunscreen blocks the body’s ability to produce Vitamin D which is vital for hundreds of reactions in the body, including the protection AGAINST cancer.

Our skin absorbs every toxin we put on it because it goes directly into the blood stream. In fact, the body absorbs toxins more quickly through the skin than when ingesting them through food and beverages. Most sunscreens on the market are extremely toxic and are far from protective!

Sunburn is actually a type of inflammation, and because diet has a tremendous impact on inflammation in the body, addressing a person’s diet is much more important than simply slathering on the sunscreen! Plus, dietary improvements can improve other areas of health as well. I mean think about it….God made our plants with such an intelligent design, not just for food but medical purposes too! He provides ALL we need (2 Corinthians 9:8).


Ok let’s get back to eating our sunscreen.

Ever hear the saying “eat the rainbow”? It’s true….and helps you to prevent sunburn! Here are 2 types of foods…

  1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

This is found in grass-fed meat, wild caught fish, free range chicken, and organic pastured eggs, nuts and seeds.

Omega 3 fats prevent inflammation, which as previously mentioned can cause sunburn. Plus, it helps with the redness and any aging effects caused the sun. We take Omega 3 Supplements, the ones we take have Astaxanthin which is an algae found in Israel. It’s green but when it’s put in the sun turns red, what I found so fascinating is it’s supposed to help us with a little bit of sun protection. Omega 3 helps to protect against sunburns and any inflammatory disease, but when we are going to be out in the sun for an extended period of time, we double up on that dose for an extra anti-inflammatory boost, when I remember of course, lol.

  1. Phyto-Nutrients (Antioxidants) aka…anti-wrinkle, cancer protecting, inflammation reducing, free-radical fighting goodness

This is most brightly colored fruits and veggies, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi, beets, red peppers, kale, tomatoes or sweet potatoes. My favorites! The darker the leaf the more free-radical fighting power. Not to mention all the Vitamin C you get to help fight cancer from forming and to boost your collagen production…hello youthful skin! I will say cauliflower has all these benefits as well despite its pale color. It also has high fiber and water, which also helps in weight loss, winning.


And to dig a bit deeper, here’s the top 3 Phyto-Nutrients

  1. Lutein

This is a photo-nutrient found in deep green and orange fruits and vegetables. It protects the skin from UV (sun) damage, and it also boosts hydration, skin elasticity (talk about more youthful skin) and superficial lipids.  Some examples are kale, spinach, chard, carrots, orange peppers, pumpkin and other squashes.

  1. Beta-Carotene

Along with other carotenoids, they accumulate in the skin and provide 24-hour protection against sun damage. These carotenoids are also important for vision, immune function and bone health. Some examples are yellow and orange fruits, dark, leafy greens, squash, sweet potato, carrots, apricots, cantaloupe, spinach and kale. So yes Grandma was right, eat those carrots for good eye sight!

  1. Lycopenes

They enhance the use of stored Vitamin D and protect the skin from sun damage. Some examples are red fruits, such as tomatoes, papayas and watermelon. All favorites in our house.

Want the best news of all?! All of these wonderful foods are immune-boosters! Happy dance!!!

Yes, they are filled with important anti-oxidants and much-needed fiber. So, not only are they delicious, but they are just plain good for you too! A person can’t go wrong by including a few servings into their daily diet!


Green tea, as well as black tea, is high in polyphenols found to protect against UV radiation. Polyphenols are a category of chemicals that NATURALLY occur in plants. There are more than 500 unique polyphenols. Collectively, these natural chemicals are known as phytochemicals. A great way to get some cancer-fighting antioxidants and anti-aging benefits to keep skin firm, healthy and beautiful. Drinking two or more cups daily may reduce your risk of skin cancer by 30 percent. Cheers to that! Ps...don't add the sugar!!


So we talked about foods that help fight inflammation but what about the foods that lead to inflammation and will increase the risk of sunburnhere’s 2 types

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Sugar

Carbohydrates and sugar both turn into glucose in the body, which leads to inflammation!

Now, please don’t get me wrong…glucose is very necessary for good health, but not in the quantities that the “Standard American Diet” promotes. In fact, the majority of glucose should come from fresh vegetables, fruits and some properly prepared grains. Sugar and processed grains are the leading culprits to excess glucose!


Did you know the American Dietetic Association actually recommends a breakfast of cereal, toast and orange juice? The most commonly consumed meal for most Americans. And sadly, this breakfast is ALL GLUCOSE…aka SUGAR…which equals INFLAMMATION! Bad for our bodies! God designed our bodies to be the Temple in which the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), so we should be mindful of what we put in and on it. After all…what we eat fuels or fights disease!


All this to say…we don’t wear sunscreen unless we are out in the direct sunlight for more than 1 hour, and we don’t get sunburns because we try (we are human lol), to follow a very anti-inflammatory diet devoid of excess glucose!


My suggestion to you…“Eat Your Sunscreen,” and “Take Back Your Life”!

Stop using the dangerous “Band-Aid” approach by slathering everyone in your family with toxins. Be preventative by changing your diet and soaking up that Vitamin D!


And if you still feel the need to have sunscreen on hand, here are few rules to live by:

The best sunscreen is a hat and T-Shirt.

Cotton clothing provides SPF 15 protection.

Use Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide. These are very natural minerals that create a physical barrier between your skin and the sun.

Here are a few healthy and toxic-free brands of sunscreen options on the market:

Helichrysum Essential Oil

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Coconut Oil (Coconut Oil can be used as light protection, as it is naturally about SPF 5)

Badger Sunblock

California Baby Sunblock

All Terrain Sunblock

Avoid these in any sunscreen:

Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate) – The sunscreen industry uses Vitamin A in its formulations because it is an anti-oxidant that is thought to slow skin aging. However, a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) study found that a form of Vitamin A, Retinyl Palmitate, may actually speed the development of skin lesions and tumors when used in sunscreen and therefore exposed to sunlight. Too much preformed vitamin A, including retinol, retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate and retinyl linoleate, can cause a variety of health problems, including liver damage, brittle nails, hair loss, and osteoporosis and hip fractures in older adults. Older women at risk for osteoporosis should avoid excessive vitamin A because it undermines bone density. Children can also suffer a variety of ill effects from too much vitamin A. Excessive vitamin A can also cause serious skeletal birth defects in a developing fetus. For that reason, this is why pregnant or breastfeeding women are cautioned to avoid cosmetic products with vitamin A. Also you will not find this in European sunscreens.

Oxybenzone (benzonephenone-3)  – 65% of non-mineral sunscreens on the US market contain Oxybenzone. This chemical penetrates the skin in large amounts and potentially triggers allergic reactions. It is also a potential endocrine-disrupting chemical that can cause hormone disruption and cell damage. Meaning,  it increasingly linked to early puberty in girls, low sperm count and male infertility, and an increase in hormone-related cancers in men and women. Yikes! Oxybenzone is also used in nail polish, fragrances, hair spray, and cosmetics as a photostabilizer.

Cheers to taking back your life and treating your body like the temple God designed it for. So go soak up that Vitamin D and thank God for His amazing wonders!




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